- Long Beach Public Library prior to addition in 2003
- Fashion show to raise money during National Library Week…
- Preschoolers, parents, and grandparents making crafts at story-time...
- Just clowning around at story time…what kind of animal are you today?
- Parachuting is for everyone!
- Preschoolers celebrating May Day…
- Long-time literacy coach with her proud students…
- "Let me show you how to do this.”
- You read to me…and I’ll read to you…
- Enjoying puzzles and books in the children’s area...
- Library Pet Show Day–OOOOOOOhhhh…
- The P.A.L.S.–the library’s acting troupe–at one of their first plays...
- The L.I.B.S., a student panel who aided in design ideas for the children’s wing back in December 2003.
- Long Beach Middle School Kids collect pennies in their efforts to raise 1,000,000,000 pennies…
- The Jr. Friends at a car wash to raise money for their library.
- Jr. Friends helping out by passing out prizes during the summer…
- Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Children’s Wing…
Upcoming Events
Preschool story time
Book Sale
Friend’s Meeting
Preschool story time
Preschool story time
Book Sale